While you're away packages
While you're away overnight stay
$100.00 per night
Includes (3) 20-minute visits which include a walk, fresh water and feeding, and a paw-jama party.
While you're away day-stay
$75.00 per day
Does your pet enjoy the bed to themselves?
Get 3 visits per day without the paw-jama party.
$85.00 per night
In-home boarding max of 3 dogs will be allowed to board at any time. All dogs must be good with other dogs. There is a fenced-in yard, and the option to come on group walks throughout the day, or stay at home with visits throughout the day. Located in Billerica (Samantha's home) and Woburn (Bernadette's home.)
Think your pet could benefit from an additional walk?
Add any dog walk for half the price. (See dog walking services)
Additional Fees
Additional pets
Please add $5.00 per additional dog.
Please add $3.00 per additional cat/ small animals.
Please add $10.00 on services that fall on the following holiday's:
(Christmas Day, New Years day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Thanksgiving day)